Are the Galahad-dev Archives broken?

Douglas Simon doug.simon at
Wed May 3 15:10:02 UTC 2023

Hi Volker,

We too are keen to see Galahad move forward! There are so many things going on in Java and Graal that sometimes things take longer to get going than any of us hope they would.

One concrete step we taken so far is to restructure the layout of the compiler sources to better match the standard layout of modules in the JDK:

I imagine such prep work for Galahad will continue in the graal repo until we can move development to the galahad repo. You can track this activity via the various GraalVM community channels (


> On 2 May 2023, at 20:35, Volker Simonis <volker.simonis at> wrote:
> Are the Galahad-dev Archives broken or has indeed nobody ever posted
> to this mailing list until now?
> From :
> No messages have been posted to this list yet, so the archives are
> currently empty.

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