What's the progress of Project Galahad?

Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Wed Jun 12 12:18:36 UTC 2024

On 11/06/2024 19:37, Glavo wrote:
> I also saw a JEP draft for Project Leyden: 
> https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8313278 
> <https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8313278>
> Reintroducing graal into OpenJDK also seems to be a prerequisite for it.

That's a very large leap from premise to conclusion and it is patently 
invalid because . . .

Project Leyden is currently working on (indeed, already has a 
well-developed prototype implementation for) provision of AOT compiled 
code for the Hotspot JVM without relying on the Graal compiler. It uses 
the current C1 and C2 compilers with a very small number of minor changes.

Also, Leyden is investigating the provision of AOT compiled code for a 
subset of the code base of an app (possibly even just JDK code) rather 
than the whole code base as happens with Graal Native Image/SubstrateVM. 
Most notably, the generated AOT code still operates within the Hotspot 
framework of adaptive, dynamic recompilation (including decompilation). 
So, a very different approach to GraalVM Native with very different 
runtime characteristics (hint: that means a different value proposition 
to its users).

If you look at the code and README files in the premain branch of the 
Leyden repo you can find out more about what is being attempted (it 
includes a lot more than pre-compiled code).


Andrew Dinn

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