mx igv or mx gv commands

Christian Thalinger christian.thalinger at
Tue Jul 2 16:25:11 PDT 2013

On Jul 2, 2013, at 4:16 PM, "Deneau, Tom" <tom.deneau at> wrote:

> I do see igv starting and waiting but it's not capturing anything.
> My command line (after starting igv) is 
> ./ --vm server unittest @-G:-RemoveNeverExecutedCode @-G:Log=InliningDecisions  @-G:+HotSpotPrintInlining -G:Dump= --J @-Xmx1g @-Xms1g --J @-Dsun.boot.library.path=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH   hsail.test.StaticNBodyCallTest 

@-G:Dump= ?

-- Chris

> -- Tom
> From: gilwooden at [mailto:gilwooden at] On Behalf Of Gilles Duboscq
> Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 6:01 PM
> To: Christian Thalinger
> Cc: Deneau, Tom; graal-dev at
> Subject: Re: mx igv or mx gv commands
> Which window manager do you use? I know that igv (netbeans) refuses to start with some window managers
> On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 12:42 AM, Christian Thalinger <christian.thalinger at> wrote:
> On Jul 2, 2013, at 2:56 PM, "Deneau, Tom" <tom.deneau at> wrote:
>> Christian --
>> What actual command lines should be used to view the graphs for an HSAIL compilation?
> -G:Dump=
> You can also use a method filter to only show what you want:
> -G:MethodFilter=HashMap.put
> It works when running a test inside Eclipse.
> -- Chris
>> Note that we typically run using --vm server.
>> I would ask Vasanth but he is off this week.
>> -- Tom
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Christian Thalinger [mailto:christian.thalinger at]
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 3:49 PM
>> To: Deneau, Tom
>> Cc: graal-dev at
>> Subject: Re: mx igv or mx gv commands
>> Which Java version are you using?  8 makes it crash, 7 should work.
>> -- Chris
>> On Jul 2, 2013, at 9:52 AM, "Deneau, Tom" <tom.deneau at> wrote:
>>> When I try to use
>>>  mx igv &
>>> as described on the wiki page, I get the splash screen for the visualize but then it dies.
>>> Similarly with mx gv &
>>> Is there some other command that must be run first before using these?
>>> -- Tom

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