two questions about ConditionalEliminationPhase

Garcia Gutierrez Miguel Alfredo miguelalfredo.garcia at
Sun Jul 14 13:59:33 PDT 2013

After staring for what seemed like an eternity to ConditionalEliminationPhase, it slowly began to make sense. But not quite, as the questions below show.

|Question 1: Is this a bug?|

One of the cases that

  private void registerCondition(boolean isTrue, LogicNode condition, ValueNode anchor) {

handles is

  } else if (condition instanceof ObjectEqualsNode) {

where the consequences of the object-equality check are propagated.

In case of inequality, and one of the comparands known to be null, the code below gains information about the other comparand (ie, must be non-null). That's the idea, right?

                    if (state.isNull(x) && !state.isNonNull(y)) {
-------------->         state.addNullness(true, y);
                    } else if (!state.isNonNull(x) && state.isNull(y)) {
-------------->         state.addNullness(true, x);

However instead of recording non-nullness, the lines with an arrow above mark nullness. Looks to me it should read: `state.addNullness(false, ` etc. Comments are welcome to understand what's going on.

|Question 2: Could this work?|

I haven't looked into all phases, thus the suggestion below could be covered already. Let's see.


  private void registerCondition(boolean isTrue, LogicNode condition, ValueNode anchor) {

three shapes of the condition are of interest (InstanceOfNode, IsNullNode, ObjectEqualsNode) because they allow trickling information from the whole condition down to its components.

Question: could LogicBinaryNode also be handled? For example,

  (a) a LogicConjunctionNode known to be true  allows establishing all its components to be true;
  (b) a LogicDisjunctionNode known to be false allows establishing all its components to be false;

(Not sure whether the extra precision pays off, my question is rather about whether that could be done in principle).

And now the kudos: Cool stuff!


Miguel Garcia
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
EPFL - IC - LAMP1 - INR 328 - Station 14
CH-1015 Lausanne - Switzerland

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