Modifying graph to include InvokeNode

Doug Simon doug.simon at
Tue Jul 16 06:14:07 PDT 2013

This is almost certainly due to the fact that an invoke node must be associated with the BCI of a real invoke bytecode instruction. Otherwise, where would the interpreter resume if there is a deoptimization  during the invocation?

On Jul 16, 2013, at 2:22 PM, ATKIN-GRANVILLE Chris <s1255753 at> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I'm trying to modify the graph to include an invoke node to a static function after certain node types. I'm modifying the graph at a high level before LoweringPhase.class (not a requirement, can change if required). However, I'm running into issues with JVM fatal errors. The code I have at the moment looks like this:
> public class MyPhase extends Phase {
> 	public void run(StructuredGraph graph) {
> 		for (Node node: graph.getNode()) {
> 			if ( node instanceof RandomFixedNode) {
> 				RandomFixedNode rfm = (RandomFixedNode) node;
> 				try {
> 					ResolvedJavaMethod method = getMethod(…);
> 					MethodCallTargetMode callTarget = graph.add(new MethodCallTargetNode(MethodCallTargetNode.InvokeKind.Static,
> 						method, new ValueNode[] {}, new HotSpotResolvedPrimitiveType(Kind.Void)));
> 					InvokeNode invoke = graph.add(new InvokeNode(callTarget, FrameState.UNKNOWN_BCI));
> 					invoke.setStateAfter(graph.add(new FrameState(FrameState.UNKNOWN_BCI)));
> 					graph.addAfterFixed(rfm, invoke);
> 				} catch (Exception e) {
> 					e.printStackTrace();
> 				} 
> 			}
> 		}
> 	}
> }
> I'm pretty sure the problem is do with the BCIs and/or the FrameStates, but I don't know how to fix it. The error that I get is:
> Internal Error (/Volumes/Acme/Development/graal/src/share/vm/graal/graalCompilerToVM.cpp:44), pid=8466, tid=5379
> assert(hotspot_method != NULL && hotspot_method->is_a(HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod::klass())) failed: sanity
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks, Chris
> -- 
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