Use JDK 8 as default for Netbeans config

Doug Simon doug.simon at
Tue Aug 5 19:45:12 UTC 2014

I imagine we actually want the javaCompliance for each project specified in mx/projects. Can you please try out this patch instead and let me know if it works:

$ hg diff mxtool/
diff -r a53c26c989d0 mxtool/
--- a/mxtool/	Tue Aug 05 20:57:38 2014 +0200
+++ b/mxtool/	Tue Aug 05 21:44:40 2014 +0200
@@ -3930,8 +3930,8 @@
 # Space-separated list of extra javac options
+javac.source=""" + str(p.javaCompliance) + """""" + str(p.javaCompliance) + """


On Aug 5, 2014, at 9:32 PM, Eric Caspole <eric.caspole at> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I would like to request that the netbeans IDE config be completely changed to 1.8 as shown below. As use of Streams/Lambdas has crept into Graal, without this you have to manually set those projects to JDK 8 in the project settings box for each individual project which is a huge time waster.
> Thanks,
> Eric
> $ hg diff mxtool/
> diff -r ea318d3ac9cd mxtool/
> --- a/mxtool/	Mon Aug 04 12:10:27 2014 -0400
> +++ b/mxtool/	Tue Aug 05 15:29:05 2014 -0400
> @@ -3928,8 +3928,8 @@
> # Space-separated list of extra javac options
> javac.compilerargs=
> javac.deprecation=false
> -javac.source=1.7
> +javac.source=1.8
> javac.test.classpath=\\
>     ${javac.classpath}:\\
>     ${build.classes.dir}

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