Maxine/Graal Profiling Info addition and major commit

Christos-efthymios Kotselidis Christos.Kotselidis at
Wed Jan 7 15:16:58 UTC 2015

Dear All,

This email regards a major revision push of MaxineGraal VM entailing T1X profiling information addition and several performance and stability fixes.
The work has been carried out mainly by Andrey Rodchenko (PhD candidate at the University of Manchester).

The attached report:

  1.  Describes the new features, bug fixes and performance improvements introduced.
  2.  Entails a performance analysis of the proposed changesets.
  3.  Includes a performance and stability analysis of MaxineGraal VM  against other VM-Compiler-Revision configurations (Hotspot/Maxine/Graal/C2/C1X).
  4.  Lists the next steps that we will perform in the short term in order to bridge the performance gap between HotSpotGraal and MaxineGraal.

The attached report can serve as a reference point of Graal interoperability on different VMs regarding stability and performance.
We will keep pushing batch changesets and distribute performance results when milestones are reached.

Kind Regards

The University of Manchester Team

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