What is the purpose of "mx archive"?

Gilles Duboscq gilwooden at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 12:56:49 UTC 2015

It's not a single location: the TRUFFLE, GRAAL, GRAAL_LOADER and
GRAAL_TRUFFLE jars get deployed into the JDKs lib directory so:
(depending on what exists)

But that should be generated based on the _jdkDeployedDists to keep it
configured in a single location.

 – Gilles

On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 12:38 PM Jaroslav Tulach <jaroslav.tulach at gmail.com>

> Where does it copies the JAR? Could NetBeans build script create the JAR
> directly at the right location?
> 2015-03-13 11:13 GMT+01:00 Gilles Duboscq <gilwooden at gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> mx archive takes care of creating the jar. There are also some listeners
>> on well-known archives that will updates some copies of the jars.
>>  – Gilles
>> On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 11:09 AM Jaroslav Tulach <
>> jaroslav.tulach at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> All the build.xml files generated for NetBeans have:
>>> <exec executable="/usr/bin/python2.7">
>>>             <env key="JAVA_HOME" value="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle"/>
>>>             <arg value="/home/jarda/NetBeansProjects/graal/mxtool/
>>> mx.py"/>
>>>             <arg value="archive"/>
>>>             <arg value="@GRAAL"/>
>>> </exec>
>>> what actually that step does? I would assume it copies the generated JAR
>>> somewhere, but I am new to python so I feel safer to ask than to read the
>>> code.
>>> Thanks for your patience.
>>> -jt

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