
Andreas Woess andreas.woess at
Wed Dec 7 16:21:56 UTC 2016

More PartialEvaluationTests (in the 
package) might fail because of that. If it's not just 1 test, maybe we 
need to skip these tests on AArch64 only. This could be done with 
junit's Assume.assumeTrue/False with an arch check. It's probably enough 
to put it somewhere in PartialEvaluationTest. (Obviously, the other 
option would be to implement the missing pieces. But we can do that in a 

- andreas

On 07/12/2016 17:05, Andrew Haley wrote:
> On 07/12/16 16:03, Andreas Woess wrote:
>> I guess this test is fails on AArch64 because Truffle is currently
>> missing AArch64 support [1], so it's not executing Truffle-compiled code
>> as the test expects. Feel free to @Ignore the test for now, and we will
>> take care of it later.
> OK.  Are there more Truffle-dependent tests I should @Ignore?
> Thanks,
> Andrew.

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