[9] RFR(L) 8166417: Graal-core into JDK for AOT compiler

Volker Simonis volker.simonis at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 09:20:06 UTC 2016

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 6:20 PM, Vladimir Kozlov
<vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com> wrote:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8166089
> Subtask:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8166417
> Graal-core:
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/graal/graal-core/
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kvn/aot/graal.webrev/
> This is last part of AOT project. AOT requires Graal-core to be part of JDK.
> AOT compiler uses Graal-core as backend compiler - we use its ability to
> generate immutable PIC code.
> We are working with Oracle's Labs on this integration.
> Meanwhile, if you want to experiment do next:
> hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/graal/graal-core/
> apply patch from graal.webrev
> cp graal-core/graal myjdk/hotspot/src/jdk.vm.compiler

The convention is that the directory name under "src/" (i.e.
"jdk.vm.ci") corresponds to the package name of the contained sources
(i.e. "jdk.vm.ci/share/classes/jdk.vm.ci.code/src/jdk/vm/ci/code").

Following this convention, the graal sources should either be copied
to myjdk/hotspot/src/com.oracle.graal/share/classes or the graal packe
should be renamed to jdk.vm.compiler. And then there's still the
package com.oracle.nfi which would require a separate sub-dir under
hotspot/src if it wouldn't be moved into com.oracle.graal...

> After that you can build JDK with AOT.
> Thanks,
> Vladimir

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