graal + node.js: how does it work?

Adam McMahon adam at
Tue Dec 19 03:55:46 UTC 2017


I am interested in learning more about graal + node.js, and I am wondering
how node.js is integrated into graal/jvm?

Can you let me know if the following is about correct?

[1] Node.js core was re-written from c++ to java (this seems to be the old
avatar project??)
[2] Graal.js calls into the java implementation of node for the JVM.

Does the above sound correct?

I am interested in how node code can run well on the JVM.  I have a partial
implementation that I wrote of node.js modules that are a thin JS wrapper
on top of vert.x Javasscript. This approach has worked well for me (still
in early stages), but I was interested on you all have implemented node.js



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