Graal in JDK10?

Volker Simonis volker.simonis at
Wed Dec 20 09:36:59 UTC 2017

Hi Ted,

you may want to visit the Java dev room at FOSDEM
( and listen to
Christian Thalingers talk. They are using Graal productively at
Twitter for a while now.


On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 10:22 AM, Ted Neward <ted at> wrote:
> I've had the pleasure of meeting Chris in person (DevoxxUK, earlier this year or last year, IIRC), and I'm definitely going to be going over that article later.
> I guess what I'm leaning towards is a definitive "yes" or "no" as to whether Graal will be included as part of the *production* JDK releases, where the JEP talks about using the XX flags to turn on Experimental features, which are (probably) a non-starter for most production use scenarios, but I am willing to accept that Oracle may not know or want to commit to anything publicly at this point.
> That said, if it's a given that it'll ship as part of production.... that would get me to do a happy dance, for sure. :-)
> Ted Neward
> Author, Speaker, Mentor
> t: @tedneward | m: (425) 647-4526
> On 12/20/17, 12:45 AM, "Jaroslav Tulach" <jaroslav.tulach at> wrote:
>     On úterý 19. prosince 2017 23:54:11 CET Ted Neward wrote:
>     > I just started browsing around in the JDK source code
>     > ( and found jdk.internal.vm.compiler, which
>     > appears to have the GraalVM bits in it—is this planning to go out as part
>     > of JDK 10? Please? :-)
>     Hello Ted.
>     As far as I can tell Graal compiler is an important part of JDK9 (used for AOT
>     compilation). With few intrinsic switches it can even be turn on and used for
>     regular JIT compilation - find the details in the amazing Chris Seaton's
>     article
>     In addition to that Dalibor is right
>     > See
>     more progress can be expected in forthcoming JDK releases.
>     -jt

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