Updated everything, got this odd message:

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Thu Jan 19 11:46:16 UTC 2017

On 18/01/17 20:45, Doug Simon wrote:
> This explains why a jdk8 now needs to be also provided via --extra-java-homes mx option or the EXTRA_JAVA_HOMES env var.

aph at arm64:/nfs/zebedee/home/graal/graal-core$ mx build
Could not find any JDK for building projects with compliance 1.8 (version 1.8)
Enter path of JDK: /home/aph/jdk8-images/j2sdk-image/
Persist this setting by adding "EXTRA_JAVA_HOMES=/home/aph/jdk8-images/j2sdk-image/" to /nfs/zebedee/home/graal/graal-core/mx.graal-core/env? [Yn]: n
  File "/nfs/zebedee/home/graal/graal-core/mx.graal-core/suite.py", line 293 in definition of org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements:
JDK library JVMCI_API required by org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements not provided by Java 1.8.0-internal (1.8) from /home/aph/jdk8-images/j2sdk-image/

But there is no JVMCI_API for JDK8 on AArch64...


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