Changes in GraalVM 0.26 on OTN

Christian Humer christian.humer at
Thu Jul 27 12:52:04 UTC 2017

Hi Guys,

We have uploaded GraalVM 0.26 for Linux and macOS to:
Please note that the description on OTN is currently outdated. We will 
update it soon.

This release contains some major changes/additions:

*) Sulong, a high-performance LLVM bitcode interpreter, now part of 

With Sulong you can execute C/C++, Fortran, and other programs that can 
be transformed to LLVM bitcode on Graal VM. To execute a program, you 
have to compile the program to LLVM bitcode by a LLVM front end such as 
To run programs in LLVM bitcode format on Graal VM, use the lli command.
For more details visit

*) A new GraalVM directory layout

The GraalVM is (once again) merged into a JVMCI-enabled JDK. This means 
that we can configure our favorite IDEs to use GraalVM as a normal JDK. 
In addition, we changed the directory structure as follows:
- languages have been moved from "./language" to "./jre/languages" (note 
the trailing s!)
- "./jre/tools" is the new home for our builtin tools, which include the 
agent, the chromeinspector integration and our command line profiling 
- "./jre/lib/boot" contains all libraries that should be automatically 
added to the bootclasspath
- the "graalvm" launcher has been renamed to "polyglot"
- the "aot-image" launcher has been renamed to "native-image"
Note that Truffle is still in "./jre/lib/truffle" and Graal in 

*) Graal SDK

We added a new experimental API: the Graal SDK. In the future, it will 
contain all Graal related APIs. At the moment, it contains two important 
packages: "org.graalvm.polyglot" for Graal language embedding and 
"org.graalvm.nativeimage" for native image customization. Please note 
that this API is still experimental and it is likely to change in 
incompatible ways in the next release.

*) Native images for all languages

We are now shipping with prebuilt native images for some of our guest 
languages and guest language launchers. Currently, native images are 
used by the "native-image", "polyglot", "js", "node", and "lli" (Sulong) 
launchers. We will soon add native images for R and Ruby. Guest language 
launchers can switch between native and jvm mode with "--native" and 
"--jvm". The default is "--native".

*) New guest launchers with standardized VM options.

The launchers using native images accept new, standardized vm options. 
This allows us to consistently specify jvm, native, language, tools and 
compiler options for guest languages. We plan to extend this option 
system to all our launchers.

Here is a list of the options that are / will be supported:
  --polyglot Run with all other guest languages accessible.
  --native Run using the native launcher with limited Java access 
  --native.[option] Pass options to the native image, e.g., 
"--native.Xmx1G". Use "" for further details.
  --jvm Run on the Java Virtual Machine with Java access.
  --jvm.[option] Pass options to the JVM, e.g., 
"--jvm.classpath=myapp.jar". Use "" for further details.
  --version Print version information for all installed components.
  --compiler.<option>=<value> set compiler options
  --<languageId>.<option>=<value> set language option, e.g., 
  --<instrumentId>[.<option>]=<value> set instrument option, e.g., 
"--agent" or "--cpusampler.MethodFilter=foobar"

*) Graal as default Java compiler for Truffle Languages.

>From now on Graal is our default Java host VM compiler when running 
Truffle languages instead of C2 (a.k.a., server compiler).

*) Truffle Classloading Changes

With GraalVM 0.26, Truffle will no longer be on the bootclasspath. 
Instead only the Graal SDK will automatically be on the bootclasspath 
when running Java applications on GraalVM.
Truffle, the languages and tools are now loaded using the JVMCI class 
loader. Classes loaded using the JVMCI classloader cannot not be 
accessed from the application classpath any longer. Additional languages 
or tools can be added by dropping them in "./jre/tools", 
"./jre/languages", or by passing "-Dtruffle.class.path.append=" as VM 
argument. Truffle languages and Instruments will no longer be loaded 
from the application classpath.

To migrate your own Truffle guest language to bleeding edge v0.26 you 
have two options:
1) You can either drop your language in the "./jre/languages" folder, or 
pass "-Dtruffle.class.path.append=mylanguage.jar" as vm argument to put 
it on the Truffle classpath. Your launcher (i.e., the code that runs 
your scripts) needs to use the polyglot API in "graal-sdk.jar" instead 
of the "" package classes (e.g., 
PolyglotEngine) in "truffle-api.jar". Graal-sdk.jar is automatically 
added to the bootclasspath of GraalVM. Your launcher code and the code 
to implement your language or tool need to be in separate jars. The 
launcher can be on the application classpath, while the language/tool 
implementation needs to be on the Truffle classpath.
2) You can pass "-XX:-UseJVMCIClassLoader" as vm argument to put all the 
Truffle jars (including Graal) on the bootclasspath to make it 
accessible to a normal Java application. This will make everything work 
as with v0.25. This mode is not tested nor supported, but it can provide 
a temporary workaround to get your language running with v0.26.

*) No Truffle Release

Typically we release a Truffle version with each GraalVM release. This 
time we will skip to give us some more time to polish the new Graal SDK 
APIs. The next Truffle release 0.27 is scheduled to be released with 
GraalVM 0.27 in about a month from now. We will also include some more 
information on guest language / tool migration to the new APIs at that 

As always, feel free to ask questions.


Christian Humer

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