Spurious Gate failure

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Thu Apr 19 14:09:29 UTC 2018

I can't figure out how to fix this warning:

1. ERROR in /home/travis/build/oracle/graal/compiler/src/org.graalvm.compiler.lir.aarch64/src/org/graalvm/compiler/lir/aarch64/AArch64Move.java (at line 211)
	public void emitCode(@SuppressWarnings("unused") CompilationResultBuilder crb, AArch64MacroAssembler masm) {
Unnecessary @SuppressWarnings("unused")

The code is this:

    public static class MembarOp extends AArch64LIRInstruction {
        public static final LIRInstructionClass<MembarOp> TYPE = LIRInstructionClass.create(MembarOp.class);

        // For future use.
        private final int barriers;

        public MembarOp(int barriers) {
            this.barriers = barriers;

        public void emitCode(@SuppressWarnings("unused") CompilationResultBuilder crb, AArch64MacroAssembler masm) {
            // As I understand it load acquire/store release have the same semantics as on IA64
            // and allow us to handle LoadStore, LoadLoad and StoreStore without an explicit
            // barrier.
            // But Graal support to figure out if a load/store is volatile is non-existant so for
            // now just use memory barriers everywhere.
            // if ((barrier & MemoryBarriers.STORE_LOAD) != 0) {
            // }

Andrew Haley
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <https://www.redhat.com>
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