Spurious Gate failure

Doug Simon doug.simon at oracle.com
Thu Apr 19 15:13:10 UTC 2018

This may be related to recent mx changes - we're looking into it. Sorry for the inconvenience.


> On 19 Apr 2018, at 17:11, Andrew Haley <aph at redhat.com> wrote:
> On 04/19/2018 03:42 PM, stewartd.qdt wrote:
>> I had this same warning on the same file (different function). Removing the @SuppressWarnings (in my case) just gave another error because the variable really wasn't used, so it threw a warning about that. 
> Yep.  The only reason I took out the SuppressWarnings was that
> Gate complained; I added it back and Gate still complained.
> It is the Kobayashi Maru.
> -- 
> Andrew Haley
> Java Platform Lead Engineer
> Red Hat UK Ltd. <https://www.redhat.com>
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