Supporting Graal compiler logs in JITWatch

Chris Newland cnewland at
Tue Jan 9 22:34:38 UTC 2018

Hi all,

I'd like to add support for parsing Graal compiler logs in JITWatch[1], a
tool for visualising JIT compiler decisions.

Currently JITWatch supports the XML-based LogCompilation format from the
HotSpot JVM and the disassembled native code obtained from hsdis.

JITWatch can report on:

JIT timing events - compile task queued, compilation started, nmethod
Inlining success and failure
Uncommon trap placement
OSR regions
Branches taken/not taken
Intrinsic usage
Code cache layout and usage
Escape analysis for avoiding heap allocations and eliding locks

There is a JavaFX-based GUI for visualising the above and one of the
most-used features is the TriView which shows the source code, bytecode,
and disassembled native code in side-by-side panes with cross-linking.

JITWatch has basic support for the line-based log format of IBM's J9 JIT
system but at a much reduced level of functionality.

My current understanding of JVMCI is minimal and I need to do a lot of
reading and experimenting to get up to speed with Graal.

If you think JITWatch support for Graal is a useful effort please let me
know. Any pointers to Graal's existing JIT decision logging would be

JITWatch is developed alongside the AdoptOpenJDK effort (although it's not
an OpenJDK Project with a capital P). It has a BSD 2-clause license and
pull requests are very welcome.

Many thanks,

@chriswhocodes on Twitter


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