JVMCI 0.49 released

Doug Simon doug.simon at oracle.com
Thu Oct 25 20:56:07 UTC 2018

Changes in JVMCI 0.49 include:

• Update to 8u192 as base JDK
• GR-7929:  Deploy Labs JDK on Windows.
• GR-12230: Speculations should maintain identity.
• GR-9887:  Check against unlinked type in isInVirtualMethodTable implementation (JDK-8212817).
• GR-12087: Allow deferred writes in frame states (i.e., virtual objects without allocation) (JDK-8212818).
• GR-12073: Ignore resolution failure in HotSpotResolvedJavaFieldImpl.getType (JDK-8212934).
• GR-12041: Add class unloading to the event log.
• GR-11964: Use libc instead of libstdc on macOS.
• GR-11664: Add retryable-allocation JVMCI stubs (JDK-8208686).
• GR-11446: Use correct GrowableArray API for appending an element (JDK-8210066).

The OracleJDK based binaries will soon be available at:


The OpenJDK Linux and macOS binaries are at:



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