Graal and JDK11

Bob McWhirter bmcwhirt at
Thu Apr 18 17:29:03 UTC 2019

Through a series of hacks, I've been able to create a `native-image` binary
based on JDK, and then use it to produce a simple binary native-image from
a Hello World application.

Unlike JDK8-based, I have to pass a significant amount of `-cp` and
`--module-path` arguments to the `native-image` CLI.

./latest_graalvm_home/lib/svm/bin/native-image \
  Foo \



  -J--add-opens=org.graalvm.sdk/org.graalvm.polyglot=ALL-UNNAMED \
  -H:Name=foo \
  --no-server \

The resulting binary works as you'd expect for a simplistic app:

$ ./foo
Hello world from Java 11.0.1
$ du -sh ./foo
 13M ./foo
$ file ./foo
./foo: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64

Thus far I've mostly be faffing about to figure out what's needed.

Does anything have any insight on how to bake this stuff into the basic
execution of native-image, preferably storing all the module-path and such
inside the native-image binary itself, instead of having to reference
outboard modules/jars/etc?

Apologies if there's a better place/way to discuss this.


Bob McWhirter
Red Hat

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