[OpenJDK Rasterizer] Rasterizer replacement proposal

Phil Race Phil.Race at Sun.COM
Tue Jun 12 10:39:43 PDT 2007

Note that the webrev includes some of the closed sources too :

Javadocs Cdiffs Sdiffs Old New src/closed/share/classes/sun/dc/pr/PathStroker.java

Javadocs Cdiffs Sdiffs Old New src/closed/share/native/sun/dc/pr/PathStroker.c

I am quite sure they would need to be [manually] elided.


Tom Marble wrote:
> Dmitri Trembovetski wrote:
>>   It is also unfortunate that you do not have access to our
>>   code review system - although this is relatively easy
>>   to fix - we can include you as a reviewer in relevant
>>   code changes (the system is email and web-based).
>>   We'll have to send you the actual diffs directly, though,
>>   as you won't be able to access the web interface.
> Why couldn't we make a little tarball of the webrev directory
> and publish that on a mailing list?
> Regards,
> --Tom

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