[OpenJDK Rasterizer] Task 2 - line widening

Francis Kung fkung at redhat.com
Wed May 16 09:05:39 PDT 2007

> The stroking (BasicStroke) on which I (and others) worked preserves
> curves and is comparable in performance (afaict) to the JDK5/6
> BasicStroke.

I hate to rain on this parade, but I'm fairly sure that we (Classpath) 
flatten cubic curves in our stroker =(

I remember reading at some point that it is mathematically impossible to 
derive a bezier curve parallel to another bezier curve, so it has to 
approximate somewhere... I assume that the preferred behaviour would be 
to produce an approximated curve, rather than flattening, though.

Anyways, I haven't looked at the openjdk source in this area yet, but I 
will soon and see how feasible the Classpath code is (at least 
temporarily) - something is still better than nothing.


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