[OpenJDK Rasterizer] Fwd: Re: Fwd: RFR: Marlin renderer #3

Jim Graham james.graham at oracle.com
Mon Jul 13 20:32:18 UTC 2015

Hi Laurent,

On 7/10/15 2:08 PM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
> Few ideas to discuss:
> 1/ I wonder now if the gridding = ceil (x/y - 0.5) should be done
> differently: why not apply the offset to - 0.5 to points before curve
> decimation or adding lines: it may saves a lot of substractions:
> AddLine (x1,y1,x2,y2) implies 4 substractions whereas lineTo (x2,y2)
> only needs to adjust the last point.
> Idem for curve decimation, shifting points may help.

I like this idea - you can bake the translation into the transform that 
is applied prior to the rasterizer so there is no added work being done.

> - do you know if the breakCurveAndAddLines (quad or cubic) really takes
> into account the supersampling scale to generate only segments needed
> and no more ?

I don't remember.  I'd have to read the code and figure it out.

> - I use fixed-point (32.32 + error) as you did but it is maybe too
> precise: the slope, bumpx and error could be determined from integer
> coordinates for starting / ending points = ceil (x1 - 0.5), ceil (y -
> 0.5) directly

I don't understand what you are getting at here...?


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