[OpenJDK Rasterizer] [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Openjdk java2d rasterizer JEP for pisces (marlin) enhancements ?

Laurent Bourgès bourges.laurent at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 18:35:32 UTC 2015


Here is my first "official" webrev (vs graphics-rasterizer forest)
concerning Path2D copy constructors:

this is a simple Path2D patch to trim arrays (numTypes & float/double
Coords) in copy constructors (Path2D.Float and Path2D.Double variants) with
the requested test: Path2DTrimCopy.

Please tell me if the test is correct as I do not run it with jtreg
(annotations ?)

> 2015-02-25 2:05 GMT+01:00 Jim Graham <james.graham at oracle.com>:
>> Those changes were exactly what I was referring to.  I don't see why we
>> shouldn't make trimmed arrays when copying the shape.  I'm pretty sure that
>> the copy constructors are going to be overwhelmingly used to make a
>> protected copy of an existing shape/path2d which is likely meant mostly for
>> reading.  In particular, in the case of the return value from
>> createStrokedShape() I don't think the intention is to create the shape and
>> then scribble on it, the intent is to treat the answer as if it were
>> immutable - at least the 99.9% case - so I think a perfectly sized shape is
>> OK.
>> Be sure to add a test case that creates an empty Path2D, clones it, copy
>> constructs it (to both .Double() and .Float() variants) and then tries to
>> add new segments to it - to make sure that the array growth code doesn't
>> get ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exceptions due to making assumptions about the
>> lengths of the arrays (I eyeballed the makeRoom() code and it looks good,
>> but we should test it if we are making arrays that are potentially zero
>> length or very tiny)...
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