[OpenJDK Rasterizer] Marlin #4

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Fri Nov 20 21:11:27 UTC 2015

OK. So it is fine as you have it.


On 11/20/2015 01:11 PM, Jim Graham wrote:
> On 11/20/15 12:53 PM, Phil Race wrote:
>> On 11/20/2015 08:50 AM, Jim Graham wrote:
>>> Here is the webrev for the remaining pre-integration tasks below. This
>>> includes:
>>> - turning off Marlin logging
>> static final boolean enableLogs = false;
>>    34     // enable Logger
>>    35     static final boolean useLogger = enableLogs &&
>> MarlinProperties.isUseLogger();
>> So the only way to enable logging is to edit this file and rebuild ?
> From what I saw in the files, enableLogs basically turns everything 
> off and causes a lot of code to be compiled out of the files due to 
> there being static final boolean constants that evaluate to false.
> Once enableLogs is on, isUseLogging controls whether it goes to a log 
> file or just prints to System.out.
> Also, there are other static booleans turn on and off different pieces 
> of the logging at a finer granularity.  The only logging that was 
> happening without being wrapped by a "if (doFooLogging)" conditional 
> were the logInfos that executed when the RE was initialized.  I 
> suppose those could have been neutered with a different 
> "doStartupInfo" boolean, but I figured I would turn them all off by 
> default for now.
> We can enable runtime-logging later on if we find a decent way to have 
> it be low impact when not runtime-enabled...
>                 ...jim

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