[OpenJDK Rasterizer] Marlin #4

Jim Graham james.graham at oracle.com
Fri Oct 30 21:32:02 UTC 2015

Hi Laurent,

On 10/29/15 4:22 AM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:
> 1. Do you prefer I send you another webrev including my last changes ?

Let me look through the latest webrev first.

> 2. I will be busy in november so I would like to anticipate Marlin

That's unfortunate as now that JavaOne is over I have more time to spend 
on this.

> integration into jdk9 forest:
> Integration Due:2015-11-27
> What is the plan according to you ?

We can integrate at any point now I think. The main advantage of holding 
off is that there is less bureaucracy to get changes in, but when we 
have to coordinate via email I don't think the added burden of having to 
submit bugs for everything that we fix matters much anyway so that's a 
moot point for this effort.

The only change if I integrate is that we'll have to submit a bug report 
for everything that we change and we may end up doing the work in the 
main client jdk workspace. Also we'd have to focus on fixing one 
bug/thing per integration - no more "I did these 3 things" checkins. 
Phil can clarify further on this point.

> Could you merge gr forrest with latest jdk9 forrest ?

I'll take care of that shortly.

> Do you need me to perform some cleanup (system properties, code
> formatting like modifiers ...) before pushing marlin into jdk9 ?

I can deal with most of that if you are out of time in the short term.

> Should we refactor the array cache asap ? or it can be done after the
> first integration.

That can be done later.  We'd just have to file a bug saying that it 
needs work and then fix that bug...


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