[OpenJDK Rasterizer] Segfault in marlin code for Java 9 ea100

Mike Bremford mike at bfo.com
Tue Feb 2 19:39:29 UTC 2016

Hi Laurent - gmail are blocking my attachments for security reasons, but
you can download at http://bfo.com/misc/test.tar.gz - let me know when
you've got it and I'll delete it.

Cheers... Mike
Mike Bremford - CTO                   mike at bfo.com
Big Faceless Organization             http://bfo.com

On 2 February 2016 at 19:02, Laurent Bourgès <bourges.laurent at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Please send me your test case at bourges.laurent (gmail).
> I need it to reproduce your issue.
> Thanks,
> Laurent
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