[OpenJDK Rasterizer] Segfault in marlin code for Java 9 ea100

Laurent Bourgès bourges.laurent at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 22:43:04 UTC 2016

Jim, here are my comments:

2016-02-04 2:55 GMT+01:00 Jim Graham <james.graham at oracle.com>:

> Interesting, so this can happen with any custom Paint or Composite. Yes,
> re-entrance detection should be done.

FYI, I proposed a bug fix and also checked the output images are now

Please also check twice AAShapePipe as it may also have problem with
reentrancy as the TileState is in thread-local storage too:
Should I also use another TileState ?
I fixed an issue with int[] abox but I eventually see another issue with
the int[] alpha if outpipe.renderPathTile() make reentrant calls too !

> Just out of curiosity - the 10% performance hit for the CLQ storage vs.
> thread-local - that was specifically only for the time it takes to retreive
> the Renderer, right?  I can't imagine why the entire rendering operation
> would take 10% longer for any mechanism that retrieves a cached Renderer -
> unless perhaps it was missing the cache and allocating a new one every
> time?  I would think a simple synchronized block around a small cache of
> Renderers would be nearly imperceptible compared to the amount of time
> spent inside the rendering process...

Let me try to explain:
In my MapBench tool, I have a very complex map [135 000 shapes]:

- Marlin [TL]:
Test                                             Threads    Ops    Med
Pct95    Avg    StdDev    Min    Max    FPS(med)    TotalOps    [ms/op]
dc_shp_alllayers_2013-00-30-07-00-47.ser         1    25    778.610
779.885    778.876    0.622    777.904    780.050    1.284    25
dc_shp_alllayers_2013-00-30-07-00-47.ser         2    50    780.596
781.677    780.532    0.733    779.091    782.623    1.281    50
dc_shp_alllayers_2013-00-30-07-00-47.ser         4    100    781.663
788.781    783.098    4.548    779.113    805.189    1.279    100

- Marlin [CLQ]:
Test                                             Threads    Ops    Med
Pct95    Avg    StdDev    Min    Max    FPS(med)    TotalOps    [ms/op]
dc_shp_alllayers_2013-00-30-07-00-47.ser         1    25    787.245
789.810    787.370    1.556    784.139    790.589    1.270    25
dc_shp_alllayers_2013-00-30-07-00-47.ser         2    50    846.023
877.742    853.157    19.231    818.292    885.293    1.182    50
dc_shp_alllayers_2013-00-30-07-00-47.ser         4    100    826.174
851.683    831.681    12.548    814.943    871.630    1.210    100

As you can see, the 8 to 10% difference corresponds to the ratio between
total times taken to render the map [877ms vs 780ms] (on the 95th
percentile) that happens with 2 or 4 concurrent threads.

I guess:
1. threads are rendering many shapes in parallel (135k) so there is a high
pressure on the underlying ConcurrentLinkedQueue to add/remove the
RendererContext instances.
I tried also with a simple synchronized(ArrayDeque) that is slightly slower
than CLQ (high concurrency) as all threads are busy.

2. More garbage is produced as every CLQ.offer() will create a CLQ.Node as
seen with jmap -histo <pid>:

 num     #instances         #bytes  class name
   1:       3370992      107871744  java.awt.geom.Path2D$Float$CopyIterator

*   2:       3370996       80903904
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue$Node*   3:        135226
9736272  java.awt.geom.AffineTransform
   4:           858        8430464  [I
   5:        135309        7770696  [F
   6:        135213        6490224  it.geosolutions.java2d.DrawingCommand
   7:        135213        4326816  java.awt.geom.GeneralPath
   8:         99122        3964880  java.awt.BasicStroke
   9:         99118        3964720
  10:        135391        3500728  [B
  11:        135213        3245112

PS: the most important garbage corresponds to the Path2D.Float.CopyIterator
instances : that could also be improved ...

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