RFR: Adding mapping from source to mail list

Iris Clark iris at openjdk.java.net
Fri Aug 28 19:42:37 UTC 2020

On Fri, 28 Aug 2020 17:58:08 GMT, Jesper Wilhelmsson <jwilhelm at openjdk.org> wrote:

> A few directories are still not "owned" by anyone. I'd appreciate any help here.

How much of this is replicated by the similar list which Skara will use to generate the mailing list for pull request
notifications?  If the Skara version is expected to be maintained more closely because of use, then perhaps the Guide
should just reference it after it appears in jdk/jdk?

On the topic of pr notifications, I think that this mail, providing details for how the mailing list for pull requests
is created and may be modified is Guide-worthy either as a direct reference or as a copy and modify to handle evolution:


src/codeowners.md line 110:

> 109:     * `libverify` –
> 110:     * `libzip` –
> 111: * `java.compiler` – LangTools

Core Libs

src/codeowners.md line 109:

> 108:     * `libosxsecurity` �� Security
> 109:     * `libverify` –
> 110:     * `libzip` –


src/codeowners.md line 101:

> 100:     * `launcher` – Langtools
> 101:     * `libfdlibm` –
> 102:     * `libjava` – Core Libs

Core Libs

src/codeowners.md line 95:

> 94:   * `lib/security` – Security
> 95:   * `man` –
> 96:   * `native`

This depends on who owns the tool.  I believe that this entry corresponds to this part of the repo:


I see that there are man pages for java, jfr, and keytool.

Further down in this list I see that mail for the launcher is being directed to LangTools, so that's where I'd send
changes for the java man page.

Changes to the jdk.jfr module are being sent to Runtime, so that's where changes to the corresponding man page should
be sent.

keytool is owned by Security.

src/codeowners.md line 100:

> 99:     * `jspawnhelper` – LangTools
> 100:     * `launcher` – Langtools
> 101:     * `libfdlibm` –

"LangTools" instead of "Langtools"?  (capitalization)  Check for other occurrences.

src/codeowners.md line 102:

> 101:     * `libfdlibm` –
> 102:     * `libjava` – Core Libs
> 103:     * `libjimage` – Langtools, Core Libs

Curious.  libjava contains code for the launcher.  In other parts of this list, launcher code is being sent to
LangTools.  It's possible that this split is intentional...

src/codeowners.md line 74:

> 73: * `java.base`
> 74:   * Core Libs should almost always be included but Langtools, HotSpot, and/or Security may also be involved.
> 75:   * `classes`

I18n also owns code in java.base.

src/codeowners.md line 87:

> 86:     * `security` – Security
> 87:     * `text` – Core Libs
> 88:     * `time` – Core Libs

I18n owns the java.text package.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/guide/pull/25

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