RFR: Filing bug, ProblemListing, Backing out [v6]

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Jul 14 15:12:03 UTC 2020

On 14/07/2020 15:54, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
> :
> `@ignore` is still used, albeit not very often, in hotspot tests for cases similar to the ones described here; given we
> are seldomly running ProblemList-ed tests, it would be really unfortunate to have include tests which remove
> `/etc/shadow` in such runs.
A test that attempts to remove /etc/shadow sounds like a dangerous test. 
I remember there was one test in the libs areas but it has been fixed 
many years ago. I looked through the handful of tests that still have 
@ignore and the reasons aren't clear. Do you have examples of dangerous 
or other tests that aren't appropriate to put onto the jtreg exclude 
list? Only asking because it would be a lot simpler for everyone if 
there is one way to exclude tests.


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