Version numbers in the guide

Jesper Wilhelmsson jesper.wilhelmsson at
Thu May 21 04:54:04 UTC 2020

> On 21 May 2020, at 06:28, Iris Clark <iris.clark at> wrote:
> Hi, Jesper.
> I don't think the Guide needs version numbers.  This type of documentation should be viewed as continually evolving.  MLA, Chicago, APA and other style guides use an "accessed on #DATE" for on-line references.
> If somebody really wants to have some kind of numbering system associated with a particular Guide web page, then a time/date stamp or commit would be reasonable if there is a relatively passive solution to add it.  Perhaps the stamp is added at build time or it is updated when the editor saves changes?  The second choice would lead to differing stamps across the Guide over time, but I don't see that as a problem.

I would even see that as a bonus if each page has its own "last modified" date. Adding a small JavaScript or PHP call to add the file date is very easy. It will show the date when a file was last saved, so I assume that would be the time when the file was uploaded to the webserver.

Replacing the version number with a last modified date sounds like a good idea to me.


> Thanks,
> Iris

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