TreeMap does not increment under this algorithm

Amn Ojee Uw amnojeeuw at
Fri Apr 15 21:19:47 UTC 2022

I am not sure if I should post this concern in here, if not, please give 
some directions.

OS win8.1
JDK 17

// StringVerification is my own version of
// what a string class should be all about, it is a wrapper class for 
public class MyABCs {
     private final StringVerification sv;
     private final List<StringVerification> en_alph_list;

     public MyABCs() { = new StringVerification();
         this.en_alph_list = new ArrayList<>();
         this.en_alph_list.add(new StringVerification(sv.getData()));"b");
         this.en_alph_list.add(new StringVerification(sv.getData()));"b");
         this.en_alph_list.add(new StringVerification(sv.getData()));
         ///  ..."x");
         this.en_alph_list.add(new StringVerification(sv.getData()));"y");
         this.en_alph_list.add(new StringVerification(sv.getData()));"z");
         this.en_alph_list.add(new StringVerification(sv.getData()));

     public List<StringVerification> getListOfCharacter() {
         return this.en_alph_list;
     This class is converted to a artifact called MyABCs.jar and
     it is consumed by the MyAbcImplementation , like this:

     public class MyAbcImplementation {
         private final MyABCs en_char;
         private final List<StringVerification> tmpList;
         private final SortedMap<StringVerification, Double> treemap;
         Double d = 0.0;
         Integer i = 0;
         int pos = 0;

         public MyAbcImplementation(){
             this.en_char = new MyABCs();
             this.tmpList = new ArrayList<StringVerification>();
             this.treemap = new TreeMap<>();
         public show(){
             //Populate the list
             //Displays the correct size 26
             System.out.println("Size of tmpList : " + this.tmpList.size());
             for (; pos != tmpList.size(); pos++,d++) {
                 treemap.put(this.tmpList.get(pos), d);
             //Displays 1, which is incorrect, it should be 26
             System.out.println("From en_vawels() - TreeMap size is " + 

I have looked at this problem from many angels, but to no avail. I know 
that the problem is in the loop whatever look I use the result is the 
same, 1 and never 26.
I don't think that it is a developer's problem, I mean, me; no never ;) 
. However, it might be a TreeMap/ArrayList combo problem.

The objective is to print out the Key and then the Value in each of the 
elements of the TreeMap.
Please not that I have successfully managed to print Key and Value, but 
only of the ONE element in the TreeMap, remember size is always 1, brrrr.

I need to insert ALL the values in tmpList as K with an incremental 
value as V, thus the loop.

Perhaps it is the problem resides in the combo mentioned above or, just 
by some remote probability I am doing something wrong ;). Yaaa, me too, 
I think is the latter.

Thanks in advance, any help would be very much appreciated.

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