RFR: Section on sponsoring [v8]

Jesper Wilhelmsson jwilhelm at openjdk.org
Fri Jun 14 09:08:40 UTC 2024

On Fri, 14 Jun 2024 02:20:48 GMT, Iris Clark <iris at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/guide/introduction.md line 48:
>>> 46: ### Becoming a Committer
>>> 47: 
>>> 48: To become a [Committer](https://openjdk.org/bylaws#committer) you should show that you intend to actively contribute to the project and that you can produce non-trivial changes that are accepted for inclusion into the project code base. The number eight has been seen as a formal lower limit on the number of changes, but since the changes must be non-trivial, or "significant" as the [OpenJDK Project description](https://openjdk.java.net/projects/) says, and the definition of significant is subjective, the general recommendation is to wait with a Committer nomination until there's at least 10-12 changes pushed to have some margin for different interpretations of "significant". In practice though, we have seen several examples where the number of significant changes hasn't been the dominating factor in a Committer vote. A Contributor's work in another OpenJDK project may also be relevant for the vote. What the vote should ultimately test is the Contributor's commitment to the Op
 enJDK project for which the vote applies - is it believed that the person is dedicated and willing to spend time and effort on the project? Is the person believed to be a good citizen of the project? It's always a good idea to seek the advice of a sponsor who can guide you through the process to becoming a Committer - you will need one to run the Committer vote anyway. They will probably also have a better idea of what constitutes a "significant" change.
>> "openjdk.java.net/projects/" -> "openjdk.org/projects/"
> Suggest that you `s|openjdk.java.net|openjdk.org|g` to remove all remove all references to the old domain.

If it's ok I'll do that in a separate change.


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/guide/pull/97#discussion_r1639518552

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