good news: beos partition recovery

Andrew Bachmann andrewbachmann at
Tue Feb 19 22:42:45 PST 2008

Hello fellow subscribers,

Last year I started working on building the hotspot vm on BeOS.
Unfortunately, midspring my hard drive became faulted and I haven't had a
chance to recover it until recently.  After a couple of weeks of bit
copying, I managed to recover my hard drive.  I have these items:

1. patch for MakeDeps to build on pre-java 5.0
2. C++ version of MakeDeps
3. beos makefiles
4. os_cpu files for beos_i486
5. other os files

Now that we have a sponsor, I will try to make these parts available in more
digestable chunks.  Also, since these are from last spring, I'm sure I will
need to update them.

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