New contributor; FreeType port to BeOS

Karsten Teichmann karsten_teichi at
Wed Mar 12 15:21:21 PDT 2008

Hello everybody,

Yesterday, I decided to take in the Haiku development (more percisely Java
porting for Haiku). Let me first give you a brief introduction of myself:
I'm a 20 years old student in grade 13 from Germany. I have basic skills in
C++, C# and I'm familiar with Java Basics, too. I got attracted by this:
(especially the last paragraph)
But I'm sorry to say that i'm a complete newbie in programming for
BeOS/Haiku (only created GUI for windows in all 3 languages) and I don't
know the API. But I'm quite a fast learner who is able and very good in
teaching himself.
So I did and tried to compile FreeType that you asked for in BeOS R5.0.3. It
compiled without any problems, so I have the libs ready now. Just tell where
I have to upload it or to whom I have to send it.
If there is any other easy task that you think I could handle, please tell
me. I will try and won't bother you with questions.


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