New collaborator

Andrew Bachmann andrewbachmann at
Mon Oct 6 20:15:30 PDT 2008

Hi Alfonso,

Welcome!  Are you familiar with working with C++ on windows?  If you can get
openjdk building on windows, I can send you some code to test that will help
build openjdk on haiku.


On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 2:24 PM, Alfonso de Uña <briofons at> wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm Alfonso and i've joined on the Haiku Port Project. I'm interested in
> all about programming, operating systems, compilers
> more specific in Java, I've been working with java, c++, and diferent
> languages. Now i'm programming eclipse plugin's in my job
> for a bank. Allways I want to learn new thinks. And I enjoy programming in
> my spare time.
> And I really want to collaborate on Haiku port in the OpenJDK project, I've
> followed other projects
> like Harmony from Apache,and I read all I can about java, jvm's, etc..
> what could i do to start?
> Regards.
> Alfonso.
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