cacerts for OpenJDK on Haiku

Hamish Morrison hamishm53 at
Tue Dec 30 02:15:22 UTC 2014

Hi Curtis,

On 22/12/2014 19:52, Curtis Rueden wrote:
> This is because recent versions of Maven use https by default for
> accessing Maven Central [1], and it seems that the Haiku installation of
> OpenJDK does not ship with the needed cacerts in
> $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts. Apologies if I missed the
> documentation about this somewhere, but... how do I install them?

This is my fault. In theory the haikuporter recipe that builds the
OpenJDK package should generate a cacerts file from the the root
certificates that ship with Haiku. I just haven't got around to
implementing that yet. :)

In the meantime a quick fix is just to copy cacerts over from some
existing JDK on Linux or Windows. You'll have to update the file in the
package for this to work though.

I'll get this fixed in the next package I upload.


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