Problems with SSL

Mark Hellegers mark at
Wed Mar 4 21:41:01 UTC 2015

> Hi Mark,
> It depends on the configuration of the server. Usually (to my 
> knowledge),
> the client is not required to send a certificate, but if it chooses 
> to send
> one it will be verified.
> It's also possible that JIRA connects to backend services using SSL 
> and the
> error comes from that.

Ah yes, it connects to the Jira marketplace and that is where this 
error is coming from.
I'm sorry. I should have included more of the error message, but I 
thought that would not be needed as the rest of the error message was 
about Jira code.
> The cacerts file should go under j2sdk-image/jre/lib/security. You'll 
> need
> to consult the hpkg for where the j2sdk-image directory is though.

Thanks, I will give it a try this weekend.

Kind regards,


Spangalese for beginners:

'En sur vias plutoniut va'
'Don't put that in your mouth, the spiders haven't hatched yet'

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