sub-tree configuration ?

Alejandro E Murillo alejandro.murillo at
Fri Apr 4 18:22:00 UTC 2014

On 4/3/2014 6:14 AM, David Holmes wrote:
> If I tclone a complete forest all the tree subcommands work as 
> expected from the top-level repo.
> But if I cd into a repo that is itself a "tree" the trees extension 
> doesn't recognize it unless I use tconfig to define that sub-tree.
What I do, as recommended by John Coomes, is to have local copies of the 
master repos
I usually clone. Then I configure those so that they have the tree conf 
in the "sub-trees"
(hotpot and jdk). So when cloning, I  tclone from the local master repo 
(that already has
the proper conf in the sub-trees), instead of tcloning from the http 
so the clone will also have that info in the subtree.

caveat: you need to make sure your local repos are synched with the 
master before cloning them.

Note that this indicates, that, if the http master repos would have the 
tree info for the sub-trees, then it
would also solve that problem when tcloning from those, but I suspect 
that info is not there, because
that would be closed info in the open repo

> Is there a way to automate this so that the subtrees don't need to be 
> manually configured?
> Thanks,
> David


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