Defect 6612732

Christian Wimmer wimmer at
Mon Dec 3 10:15:48 PST 2007


> Thanks for the correspondence. The sample class does 
> reproduce the defect with
> JDK 1.6 but not with JDK 1.7.0 (build 1.7.0-ea-b22) and the 
> sample works
> fine. So, have you guys already fixed this defect? 

No, the bug is still there. The inlining policy changed a bit, so that the
relevant method is no longer inlined with the command line specified in the
bug report.

> Please let me know what I can
> do for the defect? Should work on JDK 1.6 ? 

Use the following command line flags:

  -Xcomp -XX:CompileOnly=NullCheckTest.test,NullCheckTest$A.inlined
-XX:+PrintCompilation -XX:+PrintInlining

You should get this (or a similar) output:

CompileOnly: compileonly *NullCheckTest*.test
VM option 'CompileOnly=NullCheckTest.test,NullCheckTest$A.inlined'
VM option '+PrintCompilation'
VM option '+PrintInlining'
CompileOnly: compileonly *NullCheckTest$A*.inlined
  1   b   at.ssw.test.NullCheckTest::test (11 bytes)
           @ 2   at.ssw.test.NullCheckTest$A::inlined (6 bytes)
FAILURE: ClassCastException


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