Defect 6612732

rgougol at rgougol at
Thu Nov 29 08:23:16 PST 2007

Thanks for all the feadbacks in advance. So I switched to this defect, . The problem is 
basically that C1 computes Double.MAX_VALUE * Double.MAX_VALUE == 
Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY incorrectably false which should be true. The defect 
is reproduced by invoking java -Xcomp -XX:UseSSE=1 . However this defect is not 
reproduced in mixed mode even if the problematic method contains a large loop 
and does get compiled?! Does it mean this defeat is extra complicated too? I 
thought I should catch the defect starting from the function 
LIRGenerator::do_ArithmeticOp_FPU(ArithmeticOp*) . However this function is 
catched by GDB after the compilation of the problematic method?! Would it be 
the right method to start tracing from?


Nima Rouhollah Gougol

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