Some code interpreted with -Xcomp

steve goldman Steve.Goldman at Sun.COM
Tue Apr 15 09:30:29 PDT 2008

Gary Benson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm writing a new compiler for HotSpot.  I've been using -Xcomp
> to stress it, but I'm even so I'm seeing code being interpreted,
> some 378,000 instructions or so that happen before
> CompileBroker::compilation_init() runs.  Is this normal or did
> I mess something up?
That's normal, the compilers are delayed. In addition with c2 if you run 
-Xcomp you'll see lots of uncommon traps and interpretation even after 
the compilers come up. Not that it probably applies to you but for c2 
setting a low compile threshold is more stressful than Xcomp unless you 
are trying to stress deoptimization.


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