Request for review (L): 6671807: Escape Analysis: Add new ideal node to represent the state of a scalarized object at a safepoint

Vladimir Kozlov Vladimir.Kozlov at Sun.COM
Fri Mar 7 11:10:21 PST 2008

Fixed 6671807: Escape Analysis: Add new ideal node to represent the state of a scalarized object at a safepoint

To reallocate a scalarized object during a deoptimization we need
to know the state (values) of object's non-static fields at a safepoint.

Add new ideal node SafePointScalarObjectNode to represent the state of
a scalarized object at a safepoint. It describes additional input edges
(starting and count) in the safepoint node to which it is attached.
SafePointScalarObjectNode nodes will be created for each safepoint nodes
which reference the original scalar replaced allocation (this code
will be added in next changes).


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