Review request (S): 6663621:JVM crashes while trying to execute api/java_security/Signature/SignatureTests.html#initSign tests

Chuck Rasbold Chuck.Rasbold at Sun.COM
Wed Mar 12 15:44:12 PDT 2008

Fixed 6663621:JVM crashes while trying to execute 
api/java_security/Signature/SignatureTests.html#initSign tests.

Generated code crashes in certain kinds of vectorized loops in the 64
bit VM.

Mis-alignment of vector arguments is the root cause of the crash.
Deeper issues involving the alignment code need to be investigated;
this expedient fix simply turns off SuperWord transformations in 64
bit VMs.  They can be turned back on with with +AggressiveOpts.

Reviewed by:

Fix verified (y/n): y

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