Request for reviews (XXS): 6868269 CompileTheWorld assertion failure introduced by the reexecute bit implementation

changpeng fang - Sun Microsystems - Santa Clara United States Changpeng.Fang at Sun.COM
Tue Aug 4 09:00:26 PDT 2009

Problem: For inline_native_clone, there are two exceptions with 
different reexecute states.
This caused the assertion on JVMState::same_calls_as

Solution: JVMState::same_calls_as was designed to verify the same 
method/bci pairs. The current
implementation of reexecute logic does not require the same method/bci 
to have a single reexecute
state, i.e. the implementer could change the reexecute state during the 
parsing of a bci.

So the solution is simply remove the following line in 

-     if (p->_reexecute != q->_reexecute)  return false;

Tests: JPRT, CompileTheWorld!



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