request for review (m): 4957990: Perm heap bloat in JVM
Y.S.Ramakrishna at Sun.COM
Y.S.Ramakrishna at Sun.COM
Wed Aug 5 19:40:34 PDT 2009
Hi Tom -- Thanks for the explanation. I looked at the code some
more (since the problem is difficult to reproduce at will).
On 08/05/09 18:15, Tom Rodriguez wrote:
> My understanding was that OSR nmethods could/should only be reclaimed
> once the klass of their holder was unloaded. The reason for this is
> that the normal not_entrant sweeping logic isn't implemented safely for
> OSR methods so the sweeper can't safely reclaim them. If the klass
> itself is being reclaimed then it should be safe to reclaim the OSR
> nmethods. It's possible that we have a hole in the logic which doesn't
> account for dealing with unloaded OSR methods properly and you changes
> just make it more likely to happen. We either need to close the
> not_entrant hole for OSR nmethods, which isn't that hard, and then
> correct nmethod::make_unloaded to unlink the OSR nmethod or we have to
> make do_unloading disallow unloading for OSR nmethods is the methodOop
> is strongly reachable.
Well, here's how the code currently looks to me:
... roughly speaking, if an nmethod (in the weak roots scan)
is found to contain an unmarked oop, it seems to become
immediately eligible for unloading
(the reachability of its _method notwithstanding):-
// This is called at the end of the strong tracing/marking phase of a
// GC to unload an nmethod if it contains otherwise unreachable
// oops.
void nmethod::do_unloading(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive,
OopClosure* keep_alive, bool unloading_occurred) {
// Make sure the oop's ready to receive visitors
assert(!is_zombie() && !is_unloaded(),
"should not call follow on zombie or unloaded nmethod");
// Follow methodOop
if (can_unload(is_alive, keep_alive, (oop*)&_method, unloading_occurred)) {
// Compiled code
RelocIterator iter(this, low_boundary);
while ( {
if (iter.type() == relocInfo::oop_type) {
oop_Relocation* r = iter.oop_reloc();
// In this loop, we must only traverse those oops directly embedded in
// the code. Other oops (oop_index>0) are seen as part of scopes_oops.
assert(1 == (r->oop_is_immediate()) +
(r->oop_addr() >= oops_begin() && r->oop_addr() < oops_end()),
"oop must be found in exactly one place");
if (r->oop_is_immediate() && r->oop_value() != NULL) {
if (can_unload(is_alive, keep_alive, r->oop_addr(), unloading_occurred)) {
// Scopes
for (oop* p = oops_begin(); p < oops_end(); p++) {
if (*p == Universe::non_oop_word()) continue; // skip non-oops
if (can_unload(is_alive, keep_alive, p, unloading_occurred)) {
// If this oop is not live, the nmethod can be unloaded.
bool nmethod::can_unload(BoolObjectClosure* is_alive,
OopClosure* keep_alive,
oop* root, bool unloading_occurred) {
assert(root != NULL, "just checking");
oop obj = *root;
if (obj == NULL || is_alive->do_object_b(obj)) {
return false;
if (obj->is_compiledICHolder()) {
compiledICHolderOop cichk_oop = compiledICHolderOop(obj);
if (is_alive->do_object_b(
cichk_oop->holder_method()->method_holder()) &&
is_alive->do_object_b(cichk_oop->holder_klass())) {
// The oop should be kept alive
return false;
assert(unloading_occurred, "Inconsistency in unloading");
make_unloaded(is_alive, obj);
return true;
Here we seem to have ended up with a scope oop that is not a CICHolder,
so we call make_unloaded on the nmethod:-
nmethod::CodeBlob::_name = 0xfed2f3e4 "nmethod"
nmethod::CodeBlob::_size = 34300
nmethod::CodeBlob::_header_size = 184
nmethod::CodeBlob::_relocation_size = 2544
nmethod::CodeBlob::_instructions_offset = 2744
nmethod::CodeBlob::_frame_complete_offset = 16
nmethod::CodeBlob::_data_offset = 18188
nmethod::CodeBlob::_oops_offset = 33896
nmethod::CodeBlob::_oops_length = 101
nmethod::CodeBlob::_frame_size = 48
nmethod::CodeBlob::_oop_maps = 0x9f3188
nmethod::CodeBlob::_comments = {
nmethod::CodeBlob::CodeComments::_comments = (nil)
nmethod::_method = 0xf5df2240
nmethod::_entry_bci = 221
nmethod::_link = (nil)
nmethod::_compiler = 0x105030
nmethod::_exception_offset = 18160
nmethod::_deoptimize_offset = 18172
nmethod::_trap_offset = 0
nmethod::_stub_offset = 17240
nmethod::_consts_offset = 18188
nmethod::_scopes_data_offset = 18188
nmethod::_scopes_pcs_offset = 24836
nmethod::_dependencies_offset = 31724
nmethod::_handler_table_offset = 31748
nmethod::_nul_chk_table_offset = 33668
nmethod::_nmethod_end_offset = 33896
nmethod::_orig_pc_offset = 188
nmethod::_compile_id = 3
nmethod::_comp_level = 2
nmethod::_entry_point = 0xfb93c740 "\x91\xd0 ^P^G?\xff\xe0\xc0#\x80^C\x9d\xe3\xbf@\xea^F ^H\xec^F ^L\x90^P"
nmethod::_verified_entry_point = 0xfb93c740 "\x91\xd0 ^P^G?\xff\xe0\xc0#\x80^C\x9d\xe3\xbf@\xea^F ^H\xec^F ^L\x90^P"
nmethod::_osr_entry_point = 0xfb93c744 "^G?\xff\xe0\xc0#\x80^C\x9d\xe3\xbf@\xea^F ^H\xec^F ^L\x90^P"
nmethod::flags = {
nmethod::nmFlags::version = 0
nmethod::nmFlags::level = 0
nmethod::nmFlags::age = 0
nmethod::nmFlags::state = 0
nmethod::nmFlags::isUncommonRecompiled = 0
nmethod::nmFlags::isToBeRecompiled = 0
nmethod::nmFlags::hasFlushedDependencies = 0
nmethod::nmFlags::markedForReclamation = 0
nmethod::nmFlags::has_unsafe_access = 0
nmethod::_markedForDeoptimization = false
nmethod::_unload_reported = false
nmethod::_has_debug_info = false
nmethod::_lock_count = 0
nmethod::_stack_traversal_mark = 0
nmethod::_exception_cache = (nil)
nmethod::_pc_desc_cache = {
nmethod::PcDescCache::_last_pc_desc = 0xfb943268
nmethod::PcDescCache::_pc_descs = (0xfb942e00, 0xfb942cd4, 0xfb942cb0, 0xfb942c74)
nmethod::_compiled_synchronized_native_basic_lock_owner_sp_offset = {
nmethod::ByteSize::_size = -1
nmethod::_compiled_synchronized_native_basic_lock_sp_offset = {
nmethod::ByteSize::_size = -1
nmethod::_zombie_instruction_size = 12
We then go flush_dependencies as part of unloading it, but
this does not seem to involve removing it from the osr_nmethod_head.
... then, once it's eligible for unloading, it's marked
"unloaded", and the sweeper summarily flushes it without
removing it from the osr_method_head:-
} else if (nm->is_unloaded()) {
// Unloaded code, just make it a zombie
if (PrintMethodFlushing && Verbose)
tty->print_cr("### Nmethod 0x%x (unloaded) being made zombie", nm);
if (nm->is_osr_only_method()) {
// No inline caches will ever point to osr methods, so we can just remove it
} else {
_rescan = true;
Do you believe the hole here may be in the way the
nmethod is being unloaded (perhaps flush_dependencies
or related should unlink the nmethod from the osr method list)
or that the criteria for unloading are here too weak and
allowing a premature unload?
thanks for all your help so far, and talk to you tomorrow.
-- ramki
PS: Given the nitty-gritty of this exchange, i am tempted to pull
this from the O.J.N. list and take it off-line 1-on-1 with Tom.
Let me know if you have read this far and want to be included in
the conversation or want the lists to continue being copied.
> tom
> On Aug 5, 2009, at 4:57 PM, Y.S.Ramakrishna at Sun.COM wrote:
>> Can there be a situation where an osr nmethod associated
>> with a method oop gets unloaded while the method and its
>> class are still alive? I see that happening with my workspace
>> with the changes for 4957990 (yet to figure out why the osr
>> nmethod was unloaded).
>> Shortly after said unload, the sweeper flushes the nmethod,
>> but the nmethod is still left linked off of the klass's _osr_nmethod_head
>> list, and a subsequent invocation counter overflow at a bci does
>> an osr nmethod lookup and falls foul of the flushed nmethod left
>> in the instanceKlass's osr nmethod head.
>> So I have two questions:
>> (a) can an osr nmethod be unloaded while its klass is still alive ?
>> (b) if the answer to (a) is yes, then we need to take special steps
>> (not present in current code) to unlink said nmethod from the
>> list of osr nmethods in its klass.
>> Am I making sense? Otherwise i can provide more direct detail.
>> (I am still digging to find out why we decided to unload the
>> nmethod and will have more follow-up info in a subsequent email.)
>> thanks.
>> -- ramki
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