review request (S) 6866585 debug code in ciObjectFactory too slow

John Coomes John.Coomes at
Thu Aug 6 14:15:22 PDT 2009

Y.S.Ramakrishna at Sun.COM (Y.S.Ramakrishna at Sun.COM) wrote:
> (Please take my comments with the requisite dose of salt because
> i know little about these CIObjects, so i may be talking nonsense
> in this context :-)
> How big could the (unified) table get? (Clearly in the case of the test that
> brought forth the problem it must become quite large, but perhaps that's
> an extreme case.) Still, I'd be wary of anything that
> requires a large table re-sort at each full gc, let alone at each scavenge...
> (BTW, what do you do with non-perm stuff today where order is not preserved
> across GCs? why not do that for all objects rather than rely on ordering
> for the perm subset?) Of course, if the table is small, may be my concern is moot.

FWIW, the current table gets to a little over 64K elements with my
test case.  get() is called 3 times at each value of length (from 1 -
64K+), and each call does two iterations over the table.  It's a lot.

Long term, I think the GC should notify the CI when perm gen objects
may have been reordered.  The CI should just record the notification,
and later re-sort or do whatever is necessary on the next

As Ramki mentioned, none of our current GCs would have to do this, we
just have to worry about future GCs.  I think a reasonable solution
would be to have current GCs do the (unnecessary) notification
whenever perm gen is collected in debug builds.  That would exercise
the code without excessive overhead, and also document the dependency
in the code.  I would expect a new collector to start by cloning an
existing collector.

In the short-term, I just want to be able to check in my test case.
How about if I restore the debugging code, but put it under control of
the CIObjectFactoryVerify option?

I'll also file a bug to capture the comments.


> On 08/06/09 11:36, Tom Rodriguez wrote:
> >>>> Would it be possible to put the check into the GC epilogue?  
> >>>> Probably not, since ciEnv guys are not statically allocated and not 
> >>>> easy to enumerate (one per active compile-thread task).  I guess I 
> >>>> do like the idea of checking a GC tick counter from the CI, to 
> >>>> throttle the paranoid check.  Best of all would be to have some 
> >>>> explicit linkage from the GC epilogue code to the CI, which somehow 
> >>>> documents and enforces the order invariance.  You can see why this 
> >>>> is awkward:  It is an invariant shared by the CI and the GC.
> >>
> >> Yes, i agree, if it's one per active compile task, may be it's best to 
> >> use
> >> yr strategy of eliding the check unless the full gc count changes.
> > 
> > John, couldn't this strategy allow us to reunify the handling of oops 
> > into a single table instead of needing the NonPermOop stuff?  If we 
> > simply re-sort the table when needed that code becomes simple again.  It 
> > also makes us impervious to reordering concerns.
> > 
> > tom
> > 
> >>
> >> -- ramki
> >>
> >>> -- John
> >>
> > 

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