stack frames

Tom Rodriguez Thomas.Rodriguez at Sun.COM
Fri Aug 14 15:49:54 PDT 2009

I don't know that there's a specification of compiled frames  
anywhere.  We generally use standard call and return sequences and  
construct our frames following the platform ABI, though on x86 we  
don't maintain ebp as the frame pointer but treat it as callee saved  
and store it in the standard place and use no other callee saved  
registers.  The frame contains monitor records, spill slots and the  
outgoing argument area in that order.  I think that's about the extent  
of what's specified.  matcher.cpp contains all the frame layout logic  
for c2.


On Aug 14, 2009, at 1:48 PM, Chuck Rasbold wrote:

> A colleague asked me for a specification of HotSpot (actually, C2)  
> stack frames.
> My JVM skills are a little rusty, and I realize that my knowledge is  
> based more on experience, rather than a spec.
> Where are the most authoritative descriptions of the frame layout in  
> HotSpot?  Even if there is not one in the code, is there one in John  
> Rose's HotSpot internals wiki?
> -- Chuck

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