reexecute bit in SA

Tom Rodriguez Thomas.Rodriguez at Sun.COM
Tue Aug 18 18:55:52 PDT 2009

You should at least add the new field to vmStructs.cpp.  Search for  
the reference to _scope_decode_offset in that file and make a  
duplicate of that line that references the new field instead.  If you  
want to fix as well, again use the existing code in that  
file as a guide.


On Aug 18, 2009, at 4:23 PM, changpeng fang - Sun Microsystems - Santa  
Clara United States wrote:

> I added a reexecute bit field in the pcDesc. In the vm, the  
> reexecute info is passed as an argument to describe_scope.
> I don't know how to do this in SA, i.e., how can the SA extracts   
> the reexecute info  from the VM?
> Can I simply ignore the newly  added  field  in SA at this moment?
> Thanks,
> Changpeng

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