Request for reviews (XL): 6829187: compiler optimizations required for JSR 292

Vladimir Kozlov Vladimir.Kozlov at Sun.COM
Tue Dec 1 10:39:32 PST 2009

Christian Thalinger wrote:
>> src/cpu/x86/vm/x86_{32|64}.ad
>> Instead of using "/MethodHandle" in format %{%}
>> I would fix MachCallStaticJavaNode::dump_spec().
> Hmm, I tried that but it is not printed with PrintOptoAssembly.  The
> printed output seems to be generated by output_h.cpp.  Am I missing
> something here?

You are right. In this case can you just use " "(space) instead of "/",
"/" seems confusing for me.

>> Why you can't add effect KILL ebp to CallStaticJavaHandle()?
>> If you do it do you still need idealreg2mhdebugmask[] masks?
> No.  Tom, John and I talked a lot about this one.  The problem is that
> when EBP is killed the compiler uses it for deopt information and that
> kills the saved value.

As I suspected. OK.


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