Inline threshold relative to frequency

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Fri Dec 4 11:44:18 PST 2009

I have filed 2 bugs:
    internal review ID: 1665161
    internal review ID: 1665163

Please review,


Am 23.11.2009 11:38, Christian Thalinger schrieb:
> On Sun, 2009-11-22 at 00:49 +0100, Ulf Zibis wrote:
>> Hi,
>> wouldn't it make sense, if the inline threshold for a method would be 
>> relative to the frequency of it's usage?
>> See the method below. It has 189 bytes of byte code, so it "too big" 
>> under default inline threshold.
>> As it is called very frequent, performance should increase 
>> "dramatically", if it could be inlined, as the pushing of the numerous 
>> parameters to stack could be saved.
> Well, it "could" be a good idea but it does not necessarily increase
> "dramatically" performance.  It's not easy to find good inlining
> heuristics that work in all cases.
> Inlining a rather big method, like yours, has a number side-effects to
> the caller, most importantly:
> a) it becomes bigger -> cache effects
> b) register pressure might increase -> worse register allocation (but
> could be the other way around)
> Also note that not all architectures use the stack for passing call
> arguments.  Even x86_64 has enough argument registers for this
> particular method.
> -- Christian

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